Glendale Woodturners Guild - Est. 1993
Glendale Woodturners Guild - Est. 1993

Demonstrations and Events

GWG Demonstrations and Events

No events scheduled


Sanding Ball Project - By Craig Sobel
Constructing a sanding ball for your projects.
sanding balls.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [824.1 KB]
PVC Inertia Sander
Demonstration instruction on how to assemble an PVC intertia Sander on 9/8/2019 by Bob Clark
PVC Inertia Sander .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.8 MB]
CA Finishing by Nicholas Eberhard
CA Finishing
CA Finishing Information.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [322.2 KB]
Turning a Small-Opening Bottle Form and Hollowing from the Bottom by Bill Haskell
Presentation on April 28, 2019
Turning a Long Neck Bottle Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.9 MB]
Hans Wiessflog - Demo on June 9, 2019
Workshop fee $40, includes sandwich lunch and donuts
For more information and to RSVP call 661-607-4424
Hans Wiessflog Flyer 8x10.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [512.4 KB]
Buying and Fixing-Up Old Tools
Buying and Fixing-Up Old Tools & Adding Electronic Speed Controls - Presented by Bob Clark on August 13, 2017
GWG Used Tool Presentation .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.6 MB]

AAW Woodturning Calendar and Events


June 1 - June 4

2023 AAW Internatiobnal Woodturning Simposium

Guest Demonstrators (use link to see images)

 Meeting Dates:

June 9
July 14
August 11
September 8
October 13
November 10
December 8
GWG By-Laws. Revised 6-2-2019
GWG_By_Laws_501_c_3_Rev_2 .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [145.3 KB]
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©2021 Glendale Woodturners Guild