Glendale Woodturners Guild - Est. 1993
Glendale Woodturners Guild - Est. 1993

Glendale Woodturners Guild

Who is GWG

The Glendale Woodturners Guild is the local chapter of the American Association of Woodturners.  We are an organization that provides, within the greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area, a forum for those interested in woodturning. Our goal is to inspire, educate, and share not only with ourselves, but also with the larger community, the technical and artistic aspects of lathe-turned work.

Interested in joining the Glendale Woodturners Guild?



Next Meeting:  
American Legion Hall
4011 La Crescenta Ave.
La Crescenta 91214
February 16, 2025
Glendale Woodturners Guild is a 501(c)(3) orginization. 


The Glendale Woodturners Guilds brings people of all ages together who share a common interest, to bond and create friendships and memories that last a lifetime. Find out more about becoming a member of Glendale Woodturners Guild. We meet regularly to discuss upcoming events, finalize plans and make important association decisions.  Meetings are the 2nd Sunday of every month (some exceptions) at 2:00 PM at The American Legion Hall, 4011 La Crescenta Avenue, La Crescenta.

American Woodturner, the journal of the AAW, is one of the most informative and widely read woodturning publications in the world. Each issue of this bi-monthly magazine (up to 70 pages) is packed with a wide array of articles focusing on everything from basic woodturning techniques and special projects to innovative design ideas.  For more information, including membership forms, visit the AAW website





Beads of Courage

Beads of Courage provids innovative, arts-in-medicine supportive care programs for children coping with serious illness, their families and the health care providers who care for them.  Beads of Courage, Inc. is an approved public charity under I.R.S. Code Section 501(c)(3), based in Tucson, Arizona.


Bead Bowls/Boxes Guidelines:


Beads of Courage members may receive thousands of beads.  It is desirable for your boxes to hold them all.  As a result, turned or rectangular lidded boxes need to be large.  Larger is better! Recommended interior dimensions for turned boxes are 6” diameter (5” minimum), 5” height (4” minimum).  Recommended interior dimensions for flat-work boxes are 4” x 6” x 4”.

  • Box bases should be wide enough so the box is stable and does not tip over easily.  Lids for Beads of Courage boxes should be easy for small children to remove or lift.  Any finials should be easy for a small child to grasp and not too elaborate so they don’t bread.  Avoid excessively elaborate designs that may easily break or be damaged; remember hospital rooms have limited storage space.
  • Finishing of boxes is extremely important! Beads of Courage members who receive these boxes are susceptible to gems/infections/mold.  Bowls that have not been properly sealed can harbor mold.  Please take the time to ensure that you are using a safe finishing process that does not contain toxic materials.  Also do not use finishes like linseed oil that take a long time to outgas.
  • All kinds of wood are beautiful! Please refrain from painting Beads of Courage boxes.  Instead highlight the beauty of the wood with clear varnish, a stain, and/or burning.
  • If possible, please purchase the Woodturner Donation Incentive Package.  The package includes personalized Woodworker Artist cards and individual Beads of Courage ceramic logo beads.  Many woodworkers like to use the Beads of Courage ceramic logo bead in their design.  (20 beads for $25.00 with free shipping).  If this is not possible, you can find a way to engrave, burn or letter “Beads of Courage” onto the lid or side of the box.  Designed specifically for your donation, each logo bead purchased cones with a Woodworker Artist card that includes your personal signature.  Ceramic logo beads can be purchased at – Artists – Information for Wood-turners.
  • It is nice if you can personalize your donation.  Marking your name or initials, type(s) of wood, and the date on the box bottom is one way.  It is also nice to include a personal note of encouragement, business card, etc. inside the box.


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©2021 Glendale Woodturners Guild